Are Electric Bikes Safe for Children?

There will be some risks, but they can be avoided by taking safety precautions, such as wearing a helmet, using a bike with adjustable speed settings to limit maximum speed, and choosing a bike that is the right size and weight for the child's age and physical abilities, to name a few.

Definition of Electric Bicycle

An electric bicycle looks the same as a traditional bicycle; the only difference is the way the car is driven. Traditional bicycles rely on human power to pedal to move the bicycle forward, but e-bikes are equipped with motors that can be powered by electricity.

In terms of driving methods and speed, e-bikes are categorized into three classes: Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3. If categorized by function, e-bikes can also be divided into adult and children's e-bikes.

If you want to know electric bikes vs regular bikes, welcome to read this article.

Adult E-bike vs Child E-bike

Adult e-bikes: Adult e-bikes are usually equipped with higher-powered motors, typically ranging from 250 watts to 750 watts or higher. It also has larger wheel sizes, usually starting at 26 inches and commonly 27.5 inches or 29 inches. And while adult e-bikes can reach a top speed of 20 mph (about 32 km/h) or more, children's bikes are limited to lower speeds.

Children's bikes: kids e-bikes have lower-powered motors, usually no more than 250 watts, to ensure safe riding. And the wheel sizes of children's e-bikes are smaller, commonly such as 16 inches, 20 inches or 24 inches to accommodate children of different ages. It also has a lower speed, such as 12 to 15 miles per hour (about 19 to 24 kilometers per hour).

Therefore, don't make the wrong choice. Adult motorized walkers are not suitable for children.

At What Age Should a Child Start Riding a Bike?

The age at which a child should start riding a bike can vary widely depending on their physical abilities, coordination, and interest. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Balance Bikes: Children can start with balance bikes as early as 18 months to 2 years old. Balance bikes do not have pedals and are designed to teach toddlers how to balance and steer by using their feet to push off the ground.

  2. Pedal Bikes with Training Wheels: By the age of 3 to 4 years, many children have developed enough balance and fine motor skills to handle a pedal bike with the assistance of training wheels. This helps them learn how to pedal and steer while the training wheels provide additional stability.

  3. Transition to Two Wheels: As children gain confidence and improve their balancing skills, usually around the ages of 5 to 7 years, they can transition from training wheels to a regular two-wheeled bike.

It's important to consider that every child is different, and readiness can depend on individual development. Safety is paramount, so ensure that the bike is the correct size for the child and that they wear appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet.

Starting with shorter, supervised rides in safe, flat areas can help build their confidence and skills gradually.

Common Dangers of Electric Bicycles

Electric bicycles designed for children can lead to specific types of accidents, often due to a combination of the bike's capabilities and the young rider's skills and judgment. Here are some common scenarios and reasons why these accidents occur:

  1. Loss of Control: Many accidents occur because the child rider loses control of the e-bike. This can be due to the increased speed capabilities of electric bikes compared to standard bicycles. Children may not have the necessary reaction time or physical coordination to handle sudden speeds, especially when making turns or navigating obstacles.

  1. Collisions with Vehicles: Given their ability to reach higher speeds, children on e-bikes might venture onto roads or cross streets more dangerously. They may misjudge the speed of oncoming traffic or their own speed, leading to collisions.

  1. Injuries from Falls: The added weight of the electric components makes e-bikes heavier than traditional bicycles. If a child loses balance or needs to stop suddenly, the extra weight can make the bike harder to control, increasing the likelihood of falling, which can result in more severe injuries.

  1. Battery-related Incidents: Accidents can also occur due to battery malfunctions, which might include overheating, catching fire, or even exploding. These incidents can cause burns or other injuries, not just from direct contact with the malfunctioning components but also through sudden fires that may catch the rider off-guard.

  1. Riding on Inappropriate Terrain: E-bikes allow children to ride on more varied terrains at higher speeds. Accidents can occur when children ride on terrain that is not suitable for their skill level or for the bike itself, such as very rocky trails or steep declines.


To mitigate these risks, it's crucial for parents and guardians to:

  • Ensure that children wear appropriate safety gear, such as helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads.

  • Choose e-bikes that are suitable for the child's size and skill level, preferably with adjustable speed settings.

  • Educate children on the safe operation of e-bikes, including road safety rules and the importance of awareness of their surroundings.

  • Regularly maintain the e-bike to ensure it is in safe working condition, especially checking the battery and electrical systems.

  • Supervise younger children while they are riding and gradually build their skills and confidence on safer, controlled terrains.

By understanding the common causes of accidents and taking proactive safety measures, the risks associated with children riding electric bikes can be significantly reduced.

Safety Tips for Buying an E-bike for Your Kids

When buying an electric bike (e-bike) for your kids, ensuring their safety is paramount. Here are some key safety tips to consider:


  1. Right Size and Fit

Choose an e-bike that fits your child properly. They should be able to comfortably reach the handlebars, pedals, and ground.

Such as, 16-inch wheels are usually suitable for children approximately 3'1" to 3'9" (95 to 115 cm). 20-inch wheels are best for those around 3'10" to 4'5" (117 to 135 cm). 24-inch wheels are suitable for children about 4'6" to 4'9" (137 to 145 cm).

  1. Adjustable Speed

Opt for e-bikes with adjustable speed settings. This allows you to limit the bike's speed based on your child's age and riding proficiency, ensuring they don't ride too fast before they're ready.

  1. Weight of the Bike

Choosing the right weight for a child's bicycle is crucial for ensuring safety, ease of handling, and overall enjoyment. Bicycle frames for children's bikes come in various materials that affect their weight and ride quality.

  • Aluminum, lightweight and durable, is often favored for balancing cost and weight, making it a popular choice.

  • Steel, though sturdier and less expensive, is heavier and may be more difficult for smaller children to handle.

  • High-end materials like carbon fiber and titanium are very lightweight but much costlier, generally reserved for specialty bikes rather than standard children's models.

  1. Quality Braking System

Ensure the e-bike has a reliable and effective braking system. Disc brakes are generally better, especially for e-bikes, as they offer improved stopping power and control.

  1. Battery Safety

Check that the e-bike's battery is well-secured and housed within a protective casing to prevent damage. It's also essential to ensure the battery is certified for safety standards (like UL certification) and that you follow all manufacturer guidelines for charging and storage.

  1. Training Wheels (if needed)

For younger children, consider starting with training wheels on their e-bike. This can help them learn to balance and ride confidently before transitioning to two wheels.

  1. Safety Gear

Always equip your child with the appropriate safety gear when riding an e-bike. This includes a properly fitted helmet, as well as knee and elbow pads to protect them from injuries in case of a fall.

  1. Visibility

Enhance your child's visibility to others, especially in low light conditions, by adding reflective strips and ensuring the e-bike is equipped with front and rear lights.

  1. Supervision and Training

Supervise your child's e-bike usage until you are confident in their ability to handle the bike safely. Provide them with adequate training on how to operate the e-bike safely, focusing on starting, stopping, and navigating safely.

  1. Legal and Age Considerations

Be aware of the legal requirements and age restrictions for e-bike riders in your area. This can include minimum age limits, speed restrictions, and areas where e-bikes are permitted.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your child has a safe and enjoyable experience with their new e-bike.

Recommended 3 Electric Bikes for Kids

If you're looking to buy an e-bike for your child, I can recommend a few.

  1. Nakto Skylark

The Nakto Skylark is designed for portability and ease of use, making it suitable for younger riders. It features a folding frame, which is ideal for storing in limited spaces or transporting in a car. Its lightweight design and adjustable features ensure that it can grow with the child, providing a comfortable and manageable ride.

  1. Nakto Elegance

This model is styled more traditionally and is equipped with features that prioritize comfort and smooth riding. It often includes a basket and is built for stability, making it a good choice for kids who prefer leisurely rides around the neighborhood or to school. The Elegance model combines functionality with a classic look, appealing to children who want a more "grown-up" bike.

  1. Nakto Pony

The Nakto Pony is compact and designed for ease of use, making it especially suitable for younger or smaller children. It usually features a lower step-through frame which is great for kids as it allows for easier mounting and dismounting. The Pony is often recommended for its maneuverability and straightforward controls, which are ideal for introducing children to electric bikes.

Each of these models has features tailored to different preferences and needs, from portability and ease of use to comfort and traditional style, ensuring a variety of options depending on what best suits the child's requirements and riding style.