Bike security: protect against loss or theft

Click on a heading below to learn about how to protect your bike so you can keep riding NAKTO Ebike. 

Lock up Your Bike

NAKTO bikes are equipped with the following anti-theft features:

  • Each bike includes a battery pack that can be securely locked onto the frame or conveniently detached and carried for charging and safekeeping.
  • An LCD display is permanently attached to the bike.
  • The rear wheel is bolted to the dropouts, minimizing the risk of theft by deterring thieves from taking the wheel off the bike.

Want to know more tips to help prevent your e-bike from being stolen, please click HERE.

Keep Your Serial Number

The serial number is stamped into the metal of the frame, either at the downtube for the front forks, or on the underside of the bottom bracket. 
Register and Insure Your Ebike

It’s a good idea to keep your order information, such as your order confirmation and serial number, for your personal records.

Consult your local vehicle registration authority to check if ebike registration and insurance is required in your area. 

We also suggest registering your bike with Bike Index and 529 Garage. Both are free services that store your bike's information in a database that is searchable by police departments and bike shops. This can be helpful if your bike is lost or stolen.