Electric Bike

How to Ride an Electric Bike?

May 8, 2024


With the popularity of electric bicycles (e-bikes), more and more people are choosing this environmentally friendly and convenient way to travel. However, for those who are new to electric bicycles, how to ride them correctly and safely is a problem for many beginners. 

In this article, we will introduce in detail all aspects of riding an e-bike, including choosing the right e-bike, preparations before riding, tips and precautions during riding, and how to perform basic maintenance.

Choose the Right Electric Bike


1. Determine Usage Needs

Before purchasing an electric bicycle, you first need to clarify your usage needs. For example, are you doing it for your daily commute, a long ride, or just for fun? Different needs determine that you need to choose different types of electric bicycles:

Commuter e-bikes: Suitable for short-distance commuting, usually with good comfort and moderate speed.

Mountain electric bicycle: suitable for cross-country and long-distance riding, with strong power and good shock absorption effect.

Folding electric bicycle: suitable for urban residents with limited space, easy to carry and store.

2. Understand the Components of an Electric Bicycle

The main components of an electric bicycle include the battery, motor, controller, and sensors. Understanding the basic functions and features of these parts will help you better choose and use an electric bicycle.

Battery: Battery capacity determines the cruising range of an e-bike. Common battery types are lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries. Lithium batteries are lighter and have a longer life.

Motor: Motor power determines the maximum speed and climbing ability of an electric bicycle. Common motor types include hub motors and mid-mounted motors.

Controller: The controller is the brain of an electric bicycle and is responsible for regulating the output power of the motor.

Sensor: The sensor is used to detect the rider's pedal movement and vehicle speed to control the output of the motor.

3. Trial Riding Experience

Before buying, try to do a test ride to get a feel for the comfort, handling, and acceleration of an e-bike. Pay attention to whether the height of the frame is suitable for your height, whether the seat cushion is comfortable, whether the brakes are sensitive, etc.

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Preparation Before Riding

1. Check Vehicle Condition

Before each ride, carefully inspect each component of your e-bike to make sure it is in good condition. The main inspection items include:

Battery power: Make sure you have enough battery to avoid running out of power while riding.

Tire pressure: Check whether the tire pressure is appropriate. If the tire pressure is too low, it will increase the riding resistance. If the tire pressure is too high, the tire will burst easily.

Braking system: Check whether the brakes are sensitive and reliable to ensure safe riding.

Lighting and reflective devices: Ensure that lights and reflective devices can work properly to improve visibility when riding at night.

2. Equipped with Safety Equipment

When riding an e-bike, it is important to wear appropriate safety equipment, including:

Helmet: Helmet can effectively protect the head and reduce injuries when falling or colliding.

Knee and elbow pads: Especially for newbies, knee and elbow pads can provide extra protection.

Cycling Gloves: Gloves can increase friction between your hands and handlebars, improve control, and protect your hands in the event of a fall.

3. Understand Traffic Regulations

When riding an e-bike, it is important to obey local traffic laws and riding rules. This includes understanding the rules for riding e-bikes on the road, speed limits and other relevant legal requirements.

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Tips and Precautions While Riding

ride an e-bike

1. Startup and Acceleration

Smooth start: When riding an electric bicycle for the first time, you should start smoothly and accelerate gradually. Avoid sudden acceleration, especially at the start, to avoid losing balance.

Use Low Mode: Most e-bikes have multiple riding modes (such as low, medium, and high). It is recommended that novices use low-range mode when starting to better control the vehicle speed.

2. Control Speed

Appropriately control vehicle speed: Appropriately control vehicle speed according to road conditions and traffic environment. On crowded city roads, avoid high-speed driving; on spacious country roads, you can accelerate appropriately.

Slow down when going downhill: When going downhill, slow down appropriately and use the braking system to control the vehicle speed to avoid losing control due to excessive speed.

Turning and Changing Lanes

Slow down in advance: Before turning, slow down in advance to keep the vehicle stable and avoid falling due to sharp turns.

Use hand signals: When changing lanes or turning, use hand signals in advance to signal vehicles behind you to ensure safety.

Observe your surroundings: When changing lanes and turning, pay attention to your surroundings, especially the vehicles and pedestrians behind and to the sides, and make sure there is no danger before proceeding.

Braking and Stopping

Even braking: When braking, use the front and rear brakes at the same time to avoid leaning forward due to using only the front brake or slipping due to using only the rear brake.

Gradually slow down: Gradually slow down and stop to avoid losing control due to emergency braking.

Choose a safe location: When parking, choose a safe location that does not block the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians.
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Basic Maintenance

1. Battery maintenance

Charge regularly: Even if your e-bike is not used regularly, it should be charged regularly to keep the battery active.

Avoid over-discharging: Do not wait until the battery is completely discharged before charging. Over-discharging will affect battery life.

Proper storage: When not in use for a long time, store the battery in a dry, cool place away from high temperature or cold environments.

2. Cleaning and Lubrication

Regular cleaning: Clean your e-bike regularly, especially the tires, chain and brake system, to keep it in good condition.

Proper lubrication: Lubricate chains and other moving parts regularly to reduce friction and extend service life.

3. Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Professional inspection: Go to a professional repair shop regularly for comprehensive inspections to discover and solve potential problems in a timely manner.

Replace wearing parts: Replace wearing parts in time, such as brake pads, tires, etc., to ensure riding safety.

Benefits of riding an electric bike

1. Environmental Protection and Energy Saving

Electric bicycles use electricity as a power source and have obvious environmental advantages over fuel-powered vehicles. Not only do they reduce carbon emissions, they also help alleviate air pollution and traffic congestion in cities.

2. Health Benefits

Although riding an electric bicycle requires less effort than a traditional bicycle, it can still provide a certain amount of exercise, help enhance cardiopulmonary function, and promote blood circulation. At the same time, moderate exercise can also relieve stress and improve mental health.

3. Economical and Affordable

Compared with buying and using a car, electric bicycles are low-cost and eliminate the need to pay high fuel and parking fees. At the same time, the maintenance costs of electric bicycles are relatively low and economical.

4. Convenient and Fast

Electric bicycles have high mobility and are especially suitable for short-distance travel in cities. They can easily cope with traffic jams in the city and are easy to park, greatly facilitating daily commuting and travel.

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Riding an electric bicycle is an environmentally friendly, healthy, economical and convenient way to travel, but it also requires certain skills and precautions. 

By choosing the right electric bicycle, making preparations before riding, mastering riding skills, and performing basic maintenance, you will be able to enjoy the convenience and fun brought by electric bicycles safely and happily. 

I hope the information provided in this article can help you better understand and master the riding skills of electric bicycles and become a qualified electric bicycle rider.

Related reading: How to replace batteries for electric bikes

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