10 Tips For Healthy Aging And How To Stay Healthy After 60

JAN 31, 2024


You may notice changes in your body and mind as you get older. Some of these changes are normal, but some may be signs of health problems. Growing older shouldn’t make you sad - you can age healthily and happily.

This article discusses the first signs of aging and ten tips to stay healthy during this stage by eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated and taking to riding a foldable bike. Keep reading this article and we will discuss these tips in detail.

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What Are The First Signs Of Old Age?

The first signs of old age are not the same for everyone. You may experience different signs compared to your friends and family in your age group. However, there are some common signs, like.

Skin changes 

You may see wrinkles, age spots, dryness, and a loss of skin tone in old age. You may also experience sagging and hyperpigmentation around your chest.

These skin changes are more likely due to sun exposure, smoking, and pollution. Hormonal changes and genetics can also trigger skin changes in old age.

Hair loss or graying hair

Your hair may become thin and gray, or it may even fall off in old age. Men are more likely to experience hair loss in old age than women. However, both genders can still experience this old age symptom.

Your hair is more likely to fall off due to stress and genetics. Nutritional deficiencies can also affect your hair.

Gaunt face

Your face will look gaunt or hollow when you lose muscle mass and fat. This change in your face can affect your dental health because your teeth may shift or fall out.

Fortunately, you can get dental procedures like implants, dentures, or bridges to restore your smile, facial structure, and oral health.

Vision problems

Another sign of old age is vision problems. You may have trouble focusing on close objects or experience cloudy vision. These vision problems are respectively known as presbyopia and cataracts.

Other vision problems common in old age include glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Glaucoma is when there is fluid buildup, which increases eye pressure and damages your optic nerve.

Macular degeneration is when a part of your retina is damaged, and diabetic retinopathy is when abnormal blood vessels grow in your retina.

Glasses, special contact lenses, prescription eye drops, and laser vision correction may help with vision loss in old age.

Hearing loss

Hearing problems are among the most common chronic conditions affecting the older population. You may find it difficult to hear, especially high-pitched sounds as you age.

Loud noises, ear infections, medications, or diseases can cause hearing loss in old age. Fortunately, with hearing aids and assistive devices, you can improve your hearing.

Decrease in strength or stamina

You will likely lose your muscle mass, bone density, and flexibility in old age. These affect your strength, balance, and endurance. Consequently, you are more likely to fall, experience fractures, and injure yourself.

You can slow down this old age sign by undergoing regular exercise. It is best to incorporate strength training and balance exercises into your routine.

Memory loss or cognitive decline

Forgetfulness also comes with old age. You may forget things easily or even have trouble thinking clearly. Although forgetting things is normal in old age, it could also be a sign of a severe condition like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

It is important to note that dementia is not a normal part of aging. This condition affects more than memory. It can also impair your reasoning, judgment, language, and behavior. Currently, there is no cure for dementia. However, early diagnosis and treatment can help slow its progression and improve your quality of life.

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10 Tips For Good Health

Studies show that older people may worry about their physical and mental health as they age and face health challenges. Unfortunately, you can't stop aging. However, you can take steps to maintain or improve your health and well-being as you age.

Here are 10 tips for healthy aging that can help you prevent or manage some of the common health issues in old age:

Eat a balanced diet

Eating various foods can nourish your body and help it function well to prevent diseases. You can incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean proteins into your diet.

It is best to avoid foods high in salt, sugar, saturated fat, and trans fat. These types of foods can increase your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated can keep your skin, joints, and organs healthy. Drink enough water and other fluids to prevent constipation, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections.

Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. You should also limit your intake of dehydrating fluids like alcoholic, caffeinated, or sugary drinks.

Exercise regularly

Physical activity can benefit your physical and mental health in many ways. With regular exercise, you can improve your brain and heart health. You will also be able to manage your weight and improve your balance and coordination. Regular exercise can also reduce your risk of chronic diseases like dementia and depression.

Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity weekly. These activities include walking, cycling, and swimming. Electric bikes can help you exercise without overexerting you.

You can also include two muscle-strengthening exercises per week. Lifting weights or using resistance bands can help strengthen your muscles.

Quit smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease in the world. It can damage your lungs, heart, blood vessels, and other organs. This lifestyle can also increase your risk of cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart attack, and stroke.

You can improve your health and lifespan by quitting smoking. Understandably, smoking can be addictive, and you may experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit.

Fortunately, several treatments can help you quit. Nicotine replacement therapy, counseling, medication, and support groups are all beneficial.

Limit alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can harm your liver, brain, heart, and other organs. It can also increase your risk of accidents, injuries, and violence. Alcohol may also interact with some medications and worsen your health conditions.

However, if you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation. That means up to one drink daily for women and two for men. A drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor.

Get enough sleep

Sleep allows your body and mind to rest and repair. Lack of sleep can affect your mood, memory, and concentration. It can also impact your immune system and increase your risk of chronic diseases.

As you age, you may experience changes in your sleep patterns. Try to follow a regular sleep schedule to improve sleep quality and quantity. It is also best to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine before bed.

You can also limit naps during the day, make your bedroom comfortable and dark, and avoid using electronic devices at night.

Manage stress

Stress can have adverse effects on your physical and mental health. It can raise your blood pressure, weaken your immune system, and cause emotional problems like anxiety and depression.

While some stress is unavoidable, you can learn to cope better and reduce its impact on your well-being. You can try effective stress management techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, and massage. You can also listen to music and participate in regular hobbies.

Stay connected

Social isolation and loneliness can harm your health and happiness, especially as you age. Meaningful relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and community members can improve your quality of life. They can provide you with emotional and practical support.

You can stay connected with people by staying in touch with your loved ones, visiting a senior center, and taking a class. You can also volunteer or join a club.

Keep your mind active

Keeping your mind stimulated and challenged can help preserve cognitive function and prevent memory loss. You can boost your brain power by learning new skills, reading, doing puzzles, playing games, or taking up a hobby.

Getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising can also help improve your memory and concentration.

Get regular check-ups

Regular medical checkups can help your doctor detect and treat health problems before they worsen. Your doctor can also advise you on maintaining and improving your health. You may undergo screenings, vaccinations, and medications to enhance your health.

Buying Exercise Accessories From Our Store

Aging is a natural and inevitable process, but it doesn't have to be negative. By following these ten tips for healthy aging, you can stay healthy and happy after 60 and enjoy your golden years to the fullest.

Remember, regular exercise like cycling can keep you fit. You can buy the best electric bikes and accessories from NAKTO's store. We offer a comprehensive catalog of affordable electric bike accessories.

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